
The first thing a class or package file does is identify itself. Package files do this as follows:

   \ProvidesPackage{<package>}[<date> <other information>]
For example:
   \ProvidesPackage{latexsym}[1994/06/01 Standard LaTeX package]
Class files do this as follows:
   \ProvidesClass{<class-name>}[<date> <other information>]
For example:
   \ProvidesClass{article}[1994/06/01 Standard LaTeX class]
The date should be given in the form `YYYY/MM/DD'. This date is checked whenever a user specifies a date in their | or | command. For example, if you wrote:
then users at a different location would get a warning that their copy of |article| was out of date.

The description of a class is displayed when the class is used. The description of a package is put into the log file. These descriptions are also displayed by the || command.